Hey! Let’s have a good talk

Quality of life can be drastically improved (or reduced) by the quality of people that surround us. Stefan has a fun conversation telling us what we should already know and which we sadly take for granted – some people be crazy – and puts a pretty good list in this one place of things to watch out for.  If you can’t change the people in your life now, this list will certainly help you to identify people for who they are and put up appropriate defensive walls, as well as helping you to establish some sort of “passport control/immigration” to hopefully prevent long-lasting encounters with other ’emotional vampires’. A serious topic, but presented in a fun and unforgettable way.


Let me know how many people you’ve got in your life already, who tick these boxes 😉 I just loved the airline pilot bit, where you really hope these people know “which way is up” :))))

A rather confused society

I came across this Guys channel months ago.  Because i don’t entirely agree, I moved on despite enjoying about 80% of whatever of the 1 or 2 videos of his I saw at the time, because maybe I found some of his views uncomfortable.  By the marvel of the right-hand column of Youtube’s suggested next video column, I came across him again recently, and found at this time some of the same feelings I had before, but somehow just able to enjoy the many concepts he debates more and his “tell it like [he thinks] it is” style.  Like me, you don’t need to agree with everything, but I DO think many will enjoy listening in on some of his debates, and at the time of posting, some 625,000 had enjoyed his content enough to hit the subscribe button.




I’ll leave you with one or 2 samples, and you can pick and choose to explore further or make a mental note to try to avoid any of his 2500+ video content in future, as you desire.


and this one about freedom of important discussions affecting society
