Birthday thoughts & reflections

Getting a year older is usually something to look forward to for the under 18s – more freedom, a wider world and the maturity to make more of your own decisions (and mistakes). For older people …not so much 🙂

It’s a good time for reflecting on the past year, and whether it went the way you hoped, or if you had any remaining regrets.  Then, like New Years Day, it gives us another chance to make plans for changes which can improve our lives – a little, or a lot.

It also marks time, that yet another year has passed, and that life is short and running out for everyone –  no-one lives forever. If we live life with regrets, it’s perhaps a time to turn those things around before we’ve missed time which we’ll never have back.

SO here’s wishing everyone celebrating the anniversary of their birth a very happy day, reflecting on the good times they had with those they love, and having the courage to find more of those times for a happier life.

Marcus Hillier Birthday
Marcus Hillier Birthday

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